Prophets of Rage are just in the beginning stage but drummer Brad Wilk is already saying that an Audioslave reunion is a possiblity.

I’ve heard a lot of reunion rumours over the years but I really want this one to be true. Although can I call it a rumour if it comes from one of the band’s members? It doesn’t matter. Lets get to it.

In an interview with Alternative Nation Wilk said, “I love Chris Cornell, another amazing musician, and a good person. Absolutely, the possibility of us making music together with Chris is always there. I don’t think anyone has any bad feelings towards each other in that band. I think that band had a really good run, and I think that it was time for us to move on, and that’s exactly what happened.”

He also talked about getting Rage Against the Machine back together.

“No, there hasn’t been any talk of us getting in the studio or making new music. All of us have been doing separate things. When this came up, of course we would love Zack to be a part of this, but he was working on his own record, and doing his own thing. I love Zack as a human being, and as a friend, he is a friend to me first and foremost. The idea of playing together with him, the door is always open for that.”

I guess it’s too much to ask for an Audioslave AND and Rage reunion but a guy can dream.

Having said that… I’m pumped to hear more from Prophets of Rage.

– AK

Filed under: audioslave, brad wilk, chris cornell, Prophets of Rage, rage against the machine, reunion, tom morello, zack de le rocha