Look… I’m all about pettiness. Trust me. Especially when it involves an ex partner. Now, that being said… there’s a fine line between “winning” a break-up and doing something totally insane that gets you locked up. A very fine line.

There’s a 28-year-old woman named Blair Whitten from Barnesville, Minnesota. Blair was arrested on Saturday (May 1st, 2021) for getting the final piece of revenge on her ex-boyfriend.

Her ex-boyfriend had passed away… and Blair said that she wanted to go the service to ‘pay her respects’. But, the ex-boyfriend’s dad wanted none of that. He clearly knew that Blair had some ulterior motives…. and he was correct in that assumption! HAHA

During the service, Blair drove to the cemetery in Fargo, North Dakota… and when told to leave, she started SPEEDING AROUND to interrupt the funeral and almost HIT some people who tried to get her to leave.

The police came, and she was arrested for reckless endangerment. I’ll still say that she got the last “win” though.

Filed under: #mark mckenzie, criminal, dumbass, funeral, idiot, revenge, strange, weird