You know when the universe is giving you signs that something isn’t right. Rage Against The Machine got the message loud and clear and have decided to cancel their upcoming 2023 North American Tour to give singer Zack de la Rocha time to recover from his Achilles injury he suffered only one and half shows into their long awaited reunion tour.

The reunion tour, which was originally delayed thanks to COVID, finally got up and running in July of this year, but in only the 2nd show of the tour, in Chicago, Zack de la Rocha tore his Achilles. That didn’t stop the band, Zack performed sitting down for the remainder of the first leg of the tour on a speaker case, a lot less impressive than Dave Grohl’s monster throne from a few years ago, but we applaud the effort, it couldn’t have been easy.

Then a couple weeks later Tom Morello was tackled off the front of the stage by security in Toronto after he was mistaken as a fan who jumped on stage.

Looks like the band finally got the memo. Fans who purchased tickets will be refunded at the original point of purchase. We’ll let you know if we hear any additional news. In the meantime, we’re wishing Zack healthy and speedy recovery.


Filed under: rage against the machine