American actress and singer Kate Hudson at the 78 Venice International Film Festival 2021. Mona Lisa And The Blood Moonred red carpet. Venice (Italy), September 5th, 2021 (Photo by Marilla Sicilia/Archivio Marilla Sicilia/Mondadori Portfolio via Getty Images)
Stevie Nicks performs during he “Gold Dust” tour at Chronicle Pavilion on July 30, 2005 in Concord, California. (Photo by Tim Mosenfelder/Getty Images)

In a recent interview with Rolling Stone about her debut album *Glorious*, Kate Hudson revealed her ultimate dream role: portraying Stevie Nicks. The thought of Hudson embodying the iconic Fleetwood Mac singer has us all excited.

When asked about her dream musical biopic, Hudson mentioned having a few ideas, but emphasized, “The ultimate is Stevie.” For rock-loving girls, Nicks is a legendary figure. Hudson described Nicks’ life as “the ultimate rock and roll story,” rich with depth and intrigue.

However, Hudson’s enthusiasm isn’t universally shared within her family. She joked that her mom Goldie Hawn, stepdad Kurt Russell, and her siblings might be apprehensive about her diving deep into the role. “My family might, like, disown me if I ever got a chance to play Stevie. Cause they’d be like, ‘Can we not go method?’ I would probably go way too far into that character.”